Friday, July 15, 2005

Boring or Amazing

Haven't been writing for a while. No mood or should I say nothing interesting to write...

Was on a bus today when coming home. Crowded. I managed to squeeze in anyway. This might seems like another normal ride home but something happened. There was this old women about 60 to 70 years old. She pressed the bell before the stop but the bus driver somehow forgot or what didn't stop the bus. The distance between the next stop and the stop that she intended to alight was pretty far. Its across the West Coast River. I wasn't mad at first cause I've met with this kind of incident before. What upset me is that the driver did nothing to apologise to that lady. So the poor lady shouted across the bus to the driver to ask him why didn't he stop. As expected, the driver didn't reply her. Then she got off the bus and went to the front door to ask the driver. To my amazement. the driver despite hearing the old lady's question, close the door and drove off without looking at her or making an apology to her. This behaviour disgusted me.

Is life really that simple that boring and that standard? Do we go to a school then work then meet someone you like then have a family? This is the kind of life that I thought everyone will have when I was young. I was always told that all the fairytales and drama series are fake. Until when I grow up, I realise that life can be a bit more exciting and unexpected. You always thought that only on TV can you see people stuck in a spoiled train when they are rushing for time. I thought so until the same scenario happened to me. Then I realise that life is not that stable as we have thought. Definitely you don't see people holding knifes and going after you everyday but if you look carefully at your life or the lives of the people around you, there may be some things that you have missed out.

You won't cherish something until you have lost it. You won't know what is it like until you have experience it.


Blogger `orange (: said...

woah.i must sae tt driver is a freak.lolx.may be fall dwn one dae.wahaha.=x

3:45 PM  

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