Thursday, March 22, 2007

逆光 和 我怀念的


很棒的一首歌但看了MV觉得有点可惜。也许如果不是因为一些因素,导致无法在埃及完整的拍摄,MV一定能更好的表达这首歌。I feel that the flow of the MV is not that good. There are too many static scenes (like a picture slideshow) resulting in not enough energy being delivered. Also there is an obvious defference in the lighting. There are 3 dominant places i.e Eygpt, Taiwan and studio. The natural light from Eygpt is very warm and nice which is something that the studio lights can't produce. The Taiwan scenes are meant to be the contrast to the warmth in Egypt. But I feel that the contrast is a bit too much that it does not link with the previous scenes. There are also too many scenery views like the pyramid but I believe this is due to the lack of time to film. Overall the MV is not that good but the scenes from Eygpt are nice.
It's a great song though :D




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