Monday, December 24, 2012


Well, today is not the last day of 2012 but I am still going to write my year in review.

Let's see, what did I do this year?
1) I graduated from university.
2) Found a job.
3) Made some wonderful new friends and kept in contact with old ones.
4) Grew and became a better person (I suppose).

I believe we are always growing, moving along. Either along time, society or your own schedule.
What I have learnt is that things usually don't turn out to be the way I expect them to be. At least for the second half of the year.

For uni this year, I didn't feel like I was able to complete my FYP. Most of the time, I didn't know what I was doing. But I was able to finish, which I am really proud of.

Next, I went for a couple of interviews and tests and found my first official real job. I didn't know what to expect at work. As always, shield yourself and be skeptical so that you will not get cheated or get hurt. But I was wrong. I think work has changed me and transformed me into a better person. I have learnt a LOT from the people I work with. Not necessary work wise but as a person, the way to interact and communicate, it's really amazing. I am writing this down because I know I will not always be as positive about work. The reason is simple, I have not worked long enough to see everything(Not being skeptical again but just really unsure about the future). I am just trying to remember this moment, treasure the moment of my ignorance. There is only one first job and I am truely grateful.

I hope I will be able to continue to grow, keep an open mind and learn so much more from these people in the following years. Maybe I will laugh at my ignorance in years to come but at this moment, I am grateful. Truely grateful.

P.S: Recently I heard an interesting phrase that I wish to remember
"We can/should feel a lot, but we have to use our words."


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