Monday, April 25, 2011

Sometimes you just have to be there
Even though you don't know if you are right or wrong

Monday, April 18, 2011

Song of the Day

Song of the Day | Upload Music

###A song written in 30mins
Life is never perfect
Things don’t always go right or the way we want them to
We regret
We ask why
Maybe it’s because of us our decision
But there is no reason
Things happen
One way or another
We just have to learn to accept
And accepting doesn’t mean unhappiness
It just means we don’t have control overy everything
In fact anything
We want things to go a certain way
But there is no guarantee for anything
We pray we try
Now just accept and smile
Because this is how things are
I think I am or is going to suffer from depression
I try to do something well
Then I do something wrong
Then I start to regret and I can't get over it
Then the cycles repeats
So the amount of things that I can't get over increases
and my depress level increases
Something is affecting me and I don't know why
It shouldn't but it is
I don't like the feeling of not knowing why
And I can't describe what I'm feeling
Due to fatigue?
I don't know
I'm sad?
I don't know

I don't know
And I don't know if I want to know
Only if drowning helps
Life is never perfect
Things don't always go right or the way we want them to
We regret
We ask why
Maybe it's because of us our decision
But there is no reason
Things happen
One way or another
We just have to learn to accept
And accepting doesn't mean unhappiness
It just means we don't have control overy everything
In fact anything
We want things to go a certain way
But there is no guarantee for anything
We pray we try
Now just accept and smile
Because this is how things are